Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I wish I could say that picture with our Christmas lights was from Christmas time, but we still have our lights up (granted we don't turn them on any more, it's just been to cold to take them down)...Any way, here are some pics of our home. We still have a long way to go, but we are getting it done one room at a time. It has 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms so there is plenty of room for visitors:)


Marcus Lane said...

wow the house looks good, and you guys are WT by still having your christmas lights up! HA

tiffani bates said...

Trish...i tried to call your cell phone number and you must have a new one. i'm so sad! i want to talk to you. will you email me your phone numebr so the we can talk? love you!

Amy, Cory, and Taylor said...

So nice we need to come see it still so we can see your house and you guys :)

Brett + Kristin said...

What a beautiful home!! I love the way you have decorated it!

E-Train said...

It's so cute!! I want to come visit!

Christy Gunnell said...

Seriously you are decorating our house when we invest in something other than our condo!!!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful home you two little love birds have! After talking about your blog at game night, I found the link to it on Jenny's. If you guys want me to add you to our's, email your email and I'll send you an invite. (sorry, complicated!)