Well, this little firecracker of mine lives up to her name. She is a talker! Pyper has the cutest sense of humor and if you laugh, she is sure to follow suit! She is so sassy and has a big personality. She can be pretty bossy, most of the time its cute! She loves to do anything and everything that Paisley is doing, much to Paisleys despise. She loves to play hide and go seek and she loves to wrestle on the ground. I think she will be a female UFC fighter when she grows up! She is very quick to change from being happy to sad but the same goes for being sad to happy so that's good. She loves to be snuggled. She is definitely 100% a mamas girl. She loves to snuggle her baby and she always has a sippy cup and snack cup in hand. She gives the best kisses. I love when she says, "I did it!" after she has accomplished something. Or when she does her "gorilla eyes" (patterned after her Aunt NeNe) and then switches to her "happy eyes". She is so sensitive and loving. My baby girl is growing up. I can't believe she is 2!! I don't know what I'd do without this little spicecake in my life!

Gorilla eyes!!
...... ha! she cracks me up!!